Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Researcher-


Kemal Fuad (1932 - 2014)


Dr Kemal Fuad 1932 -2014


Dr Kemal Fuad

Kamal Abdul Karim Fouad, was born in Slêmanî, in 1932, he finished his studies and moved in the early fifties of the last century to Germany to complete his undergraduate studies in the Orientalism Department in Humboldt University and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the same university in 1970.

Fuad was one of the few Kurdish students who founded Kurds Students Association in Germany in 1956, he returned to Kurdistan after the statement of 11 March 1970 and the work in the Kurdish language department at the University of Slêmanî.

He finished his studies and moved in the early fifties of the last century to Germany to complete his undergraduate studies in the Orientalism Department in Humboldt University and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the same university in 1970. Fuad was one of the few Kurdish students who founded Kurds Students Association in Germany in 1956, he returned to Kurdistan after the statement of 11 March 1970 and the work in the Kurdish language department at the University of Slêmanî.

Returned in 1976 to Berlin again to exercise as well as his political career, researchers in the field of Oriental manuscripts at the University of Berlin and contributed to several research on eastern and Kurdish Languages.

Dr. Kamal Fuad passed away in one of Berlin hospitals in Germany, 16 November 2014 at the age of 82.


Kemal Fuad - Wikipedia



Kurdish Authors







Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author / Researcher-


Dr Jamal Rashid (1941 - 2016)


Dr Jamal Rashid 1941 -18-12-2016


Dr Jamal Rashid

Dr. Jamal Rashid (1941 Ki rkuk-18/12/2016 Hawler). He was a Kurdish historian. Jamal Rashids most famous work is his History of Kirkuk.


Dr Jamal Rashid -Wikipedia



Kurdish Authors




Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author / Poet-


Dildar (1917 - 1948)


Dildar (Yûnis Reûf) 1917-1948



(Dildar Yûnis Reûf) (1917-1948)




Ey Reqîb



Kurdish Authors




Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author / Researcher-


Masoud Mohamad 1919 - 1.4.2002)


Masoud Mohamad (Koye, 1919 -1.4.2002)


Masoud Mohamad



Masoud Mohamad -Wikipedia



Kurdish Authors






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Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author / Researcher-


Falakaddin Kakayi (1943 - 31.07.2013)


Felekedîn Kakeyî 1943 - 2013

Falakaddin Kakayi

Died at his home in his age of 70 in Saladin city in southern Kurdistan.
Falakaddin Kakayi has published countless many Kurdish works in the form of novels, short stories and essays. He has been at Kurdish montains in several years as a Kurdish freedom fighter (Peshmerga) in 1960-70'ies.

He was the editor of the Kurdish Radio Voice of Revolution which broadcasted at Kurdistans montain. He has also been minister of culture for the first Kurdish government in southern Kurdistan.





Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author-


Ismet Sherif Wanly (1924 - 9-11-2011)


Îsmet Sherif Wanlî 1924 Şam - 9.11.2011 Genova


Sala 1924ê li Şamê hat dunyayê. Sala 1948'ê li derveyî welêt perwerdeya dadimandiyê (huqûq) bir serî. Bi gelek kesayetên kurd ên serdemê re xebitî. Salên 1950, 60 û 70'yî li derveyî welêt nûnertiya têkoşîna doza maf û azadiyên kurdan bi serkeftinî kir. Berpirsiyarî û nûnertiya gelek dezgehên kurd ên li derveyî welêt kir. Gelek berhem û pirtûkên wî bi zimanên biyanî derketin. Ji van a herî navdar ew a bi navê 'Pirsgirêka netewî ya kurd li Tirkiyê' ye. Roja 9.11.2011 çavê xwe li jiyanê girt.

Ismet Sherif, Margaret Chello, 1960ies





Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author / Researcher-


Georgis Fethulla (1921- 2006)


Georgis Fethulla 1921-2006


Georgis Fethulla


Kurdish Authors




Contemporary Kurdish Author

-Journalist, Author-


GRISHAYÊ MEMÊ (1950 - 2010)


Girişayê Memê 1948 - 2010


Rêvebirê R ojnameya Riya Teze ya ku dike li Ermenistanê 80 sal e bê navber bi Kurdî weşanê dike, nivîskar û rewşenbîr Girîşayê Memê, ji ber krîza dil jiyana xwe ji dest da.

Girişayê Memê di 10ê Adara 1948an de, li gundê Karwanserayê (Saxkahovît) ji dayîk bûye. Dibistana seretayî li Sakhahovîst'ê dixwîne. Pişt re, di sala 1967an de li Êrîvanê li fakulteta Rojhilatnasiyê qezenç dike. Destpêka sala 1974an de di rojnameya Riya Teze de wekî wergêr dixebite. Piştî xebateke dûr û dirêj, sala 2006an dibe berpirsyarê rojnameya Riya Teze û bi giştî xebata edîtoriyê dike.

Di gel xebatên rojnamevaniyê, dibe endamê Şêwra Kurdên Ermenistanê ku di gulana 2000an de hat damezradin…
Termê Girîşayê Memê, dê li 14yê Çileya Pêşîn, bibin Rûsyayê û li bajarê Novosîbîrsk'ê binerd bikin.



Contemporary Kurdish Author -Researcher, Author -


Marûf Xeznedar 1930 - 2010

Marûf Xeznedar 1930 - 2010

Some of Marûf Xeznedar's works:
  • Al-Adl al-ejtem'ee (Social Justice), Translation from Kurdish to Arabic, Baghdad, 1954.Aghani Kurdistan, Baghdad, 1956. (in Arabic)Kêş û Qafiye le Şê'rî Kurdîda (Meter and Rhyme in Kurdish Poetry), Baghdad, 1962. (in Kurdish)Ocherk istorii sovremennoi kurdskoi literatury (History of the Modern Kurdish Literature), Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1967. (in Russian)Al-Akrad: Mulahezat u Enteba'at (The Kurds: Notes and Impressions), By Minorsky, Translation from Russian into Arabic, 99 pp., al-Nujum Publishers, Baghdad, 1968.The Twelve Horsemen of Mariwan and Fifteen Other Kurdish Tales, Moscow, 1968. (in Russian)Bûke şûşe, Short story, 59 pp., Baghdad, 1969. (in Kurdish)Collection of Stories (Eleman Kurdi), Baghdad, 1969. (in Kurdish)Ebdulla Begî Mısbah - Dîwan, Şaîrî Gewrey Xakî Mukriyan(Diwan of Abdulla Bagi Misbah, The Great Poet of Mukriyan), 59 pp., Irshad Publishers, Baghdad, 1970. (in Kurdish)Ziman û Edebî Kurdî bo Polî Pêncemî Amadeyî(Kurdish Language and Literature textbook for the fifth grade of high school), Baghdad, 1971.Analysis and Correction of Arabic Grammar in Kurdish by Ali Taramakhi, Dar al-Zaman Publishers, Baghdad, 1977. (in Kurdish)Analysis and Correction of Nali's Collection of Poems. Baghdad, 1977. (in Kurdish)Makhtutat Farida u Matbooat Nareda, (Rare Handwritings and Journals), Baghdad, 1978. (in Arabic)Tarikh Esteshraq wa al-Dersast al-Arabiya wa al-Kurdiya fi al-Mothaf al-Asiwi 1818-1968(History of Orientalism and Arabic and Kurdish Studies), translated from Russian, Baghdad, 1980. (in Arabic)Al-Rehalata al-Rus fi Sharqa al-Awsat, translated from Russian, 431 pp., Beirut, 1981. (in Arabic)Nalî le Defterî Nemirîda(The Eternal Nali), Baghdad, 1981. (in Kurdish)Le Babet Mêjûy Edebî Kurdiyewe(Regarding the History of Kurdish Literature), Baghdad, 1984. (in Kurdish)Kurdyade, A Poetic Novel, London, 1985. (in Kurdish)Geştêk bo Erzurûm(A Travel to Erzurum), By Pushkin, translated from Russian, Sweden, 1995. (in Kurdish)Edebî Rusî û Kêşey Pasternak(Russian Literature and Problem of Pasternak), Erbil, 1999. (in Kurdish)Mêjûy Edebî Kurdî(History of Kurdish Literature), 7 Volumes, Aras Publishers, Erbil, 2001-2006. (in Kurdish)Berew Roj, Collection of Short stories, 224 pp., Soran Publishers, Sulaimaniya, 2006. (in Kurdish)Kurdish Prose (1945-1961), The Journal of Kurdish Studies, Vol.2, 1996-1997, pp.65-70
  • The image of the struggle for national rights in Kurdish literature, In Between Imagination and Denial:Kurds as Subjects and Objects of Political and Social Processes, A Conference organized by Free University of Berlin, May 1998.





Contemporary Kurdish Author -Researcher, Author -


TORÎ (Mehmet Kemal Isik) 1931 - 2010

TORΠ (Mehmet Kemal Isik) 1931 - 2010

Torî mahlasıyla bilinen Kürt yazar ve araştırmacı Mehmet Kemal Işık 18.10.2010 günü tedavi gördüğü istanbul Vatan Hastanesi'nde vefat etti.

1931 yılında Mardin’in Midyat ilçesinde doğdu. Köy Enstitüsünün son mezunlarındandır. Uzun yıllar öğretmenlik yaptı. 12 Eylül’den sonra yurt dışına çıkmak zorunda kaldı. 1983 yılında Belçika’ya yerleşti. 1991 yılında geri dönüş yaparak İstanbul’da yaşamaya başladı.

Daha çok dil, edebiyat ve tarih araştırmaları üzerine yazan Tori’nin ilk kitabı 1985 yılında Kürtçe yayınlandı. Tori, yaşamının son anına kadar üretti. Hastalığının son kertesinde bile üretmekten vazgeçmedi. Beyinde ur tespit edildiği sürede bile üretimden vazgeçmedi. Neredeyse ölümünden önceki son iki ay hariç, hep kalemi elinde, araştırmalarını yayına hazırlıyordu. 1985 yılında ilk olarak kısa öyküleri Kürtçe kaleme alan Tori’nin şimdiye kadar birçoğu tarih ve dil üzerine yazılan inceleme ve araştırma türünde olmak üzere toplam 27 kitabı yayımlanmış. Tori’nin şu anda basıma hazır 5’i Kürtçe 7 kitabı daha vardır. Tori’nin araştırmaları kitaplarının yanı sıra çokça gazete ve dergide de yayınlandı, Newroz, Rewşen, Deng, Zend gibi dergilerde yazıları yayımlanan Tori’nin makaleleri Azadi, Fıratta Yaşam, Dengê Azadi, Ronahi gibi gazetelerde de yayınlandı.

Evli ve biri erkek 3 çocuk babası olan Torî, 18.10.2010 günü sabaha karşı saat 04.00 sıralarında İstanbul’da Merter Vatan Hastanesinde hayata gözlerini yumdu.

Eserleri(27)nden bir kaçı:
Ferheng Kurdi - Tirki Türkçe - Kürtçe
Ünlü Kürt Bilgin ve Birinci Kuşak Aydınlar
Tarihselden Güncele Kürt Gerçeği
Anadolu Kültüründe Kürt Etkisi
Kürtlerin Ortaçağ ve Yeniçağ Tarihi
Kürtlerin İlkçağ Tarihi
Bir Kürt Düşüncesi Yezidilik ve Yezidiler
Kürtlerin Din Kültürü Tarihi
Kürt Kültür Tarihi
Kawa Efsanesi




Contemporary Kurdish Author -Researcher, Author, Politician-


FATIH RESUL (1931 - 2008)

Fatih Resul was born in Hewler in Iraqi Kurdistan. He has been a fighter and has struggled many years in Iraqi Communist Party against the Baath and Saddam's repressive and cruel regime.Fatih Resul is also welknown for his research in Kurdish political history and he has published many works in this topic. Fatih Resul died in Stockholm at July 22nd, 2008 after a heart surgery.

Fatih Resul at one of his many visits at Kurdish Book Bank - SARA, April 2002




Contemporary Kurdish Author -Researcher, Author-


CEMŞÎD BENDER (1927 - 2008)

Cemşîd Bender (Mehdî Halici) was born in in Konya (Iconia) in 1927. Cemşîd Bender was finished his studies in Law Faculty in Konstantinople (Istanbul) in 1950. Cemşîd Bender has been in Norway in 1958 and studied in cooperative Management. Cemşîd Bender published the journal Cagri with his brother Feyzi Halici in Istanbul. His

Cemsid's authorship started with this journal, but he started also research about history of Kurds. Some of his works; Kurdish History and Civilisation, Kurdish Mitology, Kurdish Food Culture. Cemşîd Bender died in his home in (Smyrna) Izmir at April 8th, 2008





Dr Cemşîd Bender/ Kürd Tarihi ve Uygarlığı



Contemporary Kurdish Author -Translater, Author-


ÇERKEZÊ RES (1955 - 2008)

Çerkezê Res was born in the village Zvartnosa in republic of Armenia in former Soviet Union in 1955.

Çerkezê Res has published many literary and folkloric works about Kurdish culutral life. His welknown work is 'Shoresha Peyvan' the revolution of the words - a collected works of the Kurdish poetry. Çerkezê Res was the editor of the Kurdish newspaper BOTAN which is being published in Armenian language. Çerkezê Res worked also as lecturer at the Instute of Pedadogy of Khachatur Abovyan in Yerevan.Çerkezê Res died at his home in Abovyan in Armenia at Marsh 21st, 2008.





Contemporary Kurdish Author -Researcher, Author-


ORDIXANE CELIL (1932 - 2007)

Ordixane Celil the Kurdish researcher and author was born in Yerevan, in former Soviet Armenia. He is son to the well known Kurdish author Casime Celil who has been one of the founders for the Kurdish Radio in former Soviet Union in 1940:ies.

Ordixane Celil has published many literary and folkloric works about Kurdish cultural life.Ordixane Celil died in St Petersburg in 75 age october 22nd, 2007.


Life of Ordixane Celil in brief


Marûf XEZNEDAR, Qanatê KURDO, Cemsîd HEYDERÎ, Ordîxanê CELÎL







Contemporary Kurdish Author

- Author / Poet-


Shêrko Bêkas (02.05.2013 - 04.08.2013)


Sherko Bekas

Sherko Bekas

Sherko Bekas (S,êrko Bêkes in Kurdish), (2 May 1940 - 4 August 2013), is a prominent contemporary Kurdish poet. He was born on 2 May 1940 in Sulaimaniya in part of Kurdistan which is occupied by Iraq as a son of the Kurdish poet Fayak Bekas. He left his homeland because of political pressure from the Iraqi regime in 1986. From 1987 to 1992, he lived in exile in Sweden. In 1992, he returned to Southern Kurdistan.

He died of cancer in Stockholm, Sweden in 4 August 2013.
Literary works


Sêrko Bêkes (Wîkîpedia):

Sêrko Bêkes

Kurdish Authors










Contemporary Kurdish Author -Researcher, Author-



Bi kurdî

Salah Sadallah the Kurdish author was most known by his English-Kurdish Dictionary called Saladin Dictionary, a English-Kurdish dictionary. He was married to Sinem Khan - one of doughters of the Kurdish prince Mîr Celadet Bedirxan's Sînem Bedr Khan. Salah Sadallah died at October 19th, 2007 in his home in Hewler in Sothern Kurdistan.

Salah Sadallah has many writen works.Beside his well known English - Kurdish Dictionary he has translated many English work into Kurdish language. Some of them are: The Snow of Kilimanjaro, romana The Diplomat. Salah Sadallah has translated works from Arabic to Kurdish too.Salah Sadallah had recently translated the Kurdish national epos Mem and Zin into English and when he was dieing he was busy with publishing of this work. Salah Sadallah had also a publishing work about the Kurds of Syria short while before his dead.October 19th, 2007

Salah Sadallah 's Life in Brief




Contemporary Kurdish Author -Novel Author-


MEHMED UZUN (1953 - 2007)

Mehmed Uzun

The Kurdish novel author Mehmed Uzun is dead. Mehmed Uzun was born in 1953 in Sewreg in Northern Kurdistan.

Mehmed Uzun was living in Sweden since 1979. He moved to Diyarbekir in 2006 after his illness in canser. Mehmed Uzun was married and had two children.

Mehmed Uzun has many
published Kurdish novels which has been translated into many languages.

SARA FÖRLAG & DISTRIBUTION has published one of Mehmed Uzun's first novels: Bîra Qederê, Well of destiny.

October 11th, 2007

Mehmed Uzun's Life in Brief




Contemporary Kurdish Author -Novel Author, Translator -


NAZIF TELEK (1956 - 2007)

Nazif Telek




The Kurdish Author & Translator Nazif Telek is dead. Nezif Telek was born in 1956 in Bitlis in Northern Kurdistan.

Nazif Telek was living in Germany as a political refugee, since the Turkish coup d'etat at September 12th, 1980. Nazif Telek was married and had two children. Nazif Telek has many Kurdish works published and translated into German and English.

September 30th, 2007

To see some works of Nazif Telek - please click here: 1 2 3 4





Contemporary Kurdish Author -Historian -



Sekroyê Xudo Mihoyî was born in 1930 in the former Soviet Armenia in Yerevan. Sekroyê Mihoyî was known with his research on Kurds and Kurdistan. He died February 1st, 2007 in Yerevan.





Contemporary Kurdish Author Journalist -Journalist Politician-


HEMREŞ REŞO (1939 - 2003)

Mamoste Hemreş Reşo li mêjuyê 11/2 - 1939ê li gundê Saqoyê li qeza Kolikê ku li nav herêma bajarê Semsûrê (Adiyaman) ye, hatiye dunyayê. Dibistana destpêkî û navînî li Kolikê xwendiye. Kolêja Amerîkî li bajarê Cesaria'yê (Kayseri) biriye serî. Di navbera salên 1957-1960'î de li Stanbolê xwandina xwe ya lîse'yê kiriye. Di salên 1961-1963'yî de jî, li Enqerê xwendina zankoyî (unîversîte) ya ''Ankara Hukuk Fakultesi'' biriye serî.Di sala 1963'yî de hatiye Swîsre'yê û pasê ji wir jî derbasê Almanya'yê bûye. Di navbera sala 1967-1975'ê de jî li zankoya Berlîn'ê xwandina aboriyê (ekonomi) kiriye.Piraniya jiyan û têkoşîna watedar a rewşenbîr û siyasetmedarê kurd mamoste Hemreş Reşo, ji bo vejandin, pêşvexistin û parastina ziman û çanda kurdî bûye. Hemreş Reşo van salên xwe yên li dîasporayê ku tam 40 sal dike, bi tevayî di riya pêşvexistin û parastina çand û zimanê kurdî de buhurandiye. Ji me re sê govarên kurdî yên di dîroka çand û zimanê me de, her yek bi serê xwe sê dîmen û bihnên geþ û xweþ in, pêþkêþ kiriye; KURDISTAN (multi-lingual kurd/îng/ereb), HÊVIYA WELÊT û ÇIYA. Doz û têkoşîna Hemreş Reşo'yî, xebata wî ya di warê çand û zimanî de, di dîroka xebata li derveyî welêt, gavên pir ber bi pêş de ne û di dîroka ziman û çanda kurdî de wê her dem xwedî ciyek herî diyar be.

Hemreş Reşo di roja 27.12.2003yî de li bajarê Disburg'ê li Almanya'yê koçê dawiyê kiribû. Hemreş Reşo gava ji dunyayê bar kir, serokê Partiya Demokrat a Kurdistana Bakur bû.

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Kurdish Authors
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