A Mafia State

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Accepting a bloody CRIMINAL terrorist state like Turkey as an ally in NATO, especially when it has openly turned into a mafia state, makes the USA and Europe partners in crimes against humanity.
On the one hand, democracy and human rights, on the other hand, military-political involvement with a criminal organization like Turkey not only reset the credibility of the West, but also makes it criminal.
Every European and US politician should think twice when trying to make Turkey look cute.

Read here HOW Turkey IS doing since 1970:ies:

The Islamo-fascist Turkish state has been the real DRUG TRADE BARON since the 1970s. For example, a Turkish league was blown up in Scandinavia in the mid-1980s and the Danish and Swedish newspapers wrote: THE GREATEST HEROIN LEAGUE EVER. The Turkish state imported heroin BY TRUCK to Austria, France, Germany, England, Holland, Sweden and Denmark. I have previously written extensively on the subject: unless a state organizes this trade, no league can handle it. The scope of this TURKISH 



OFFICIAL Cocaine-laden Aircraft of the Narco-Turk State
Caught in Brazil!!
4th Aug 2021

Accepting a bloody terrorist state like Turkey as an ally in NATO, especially when it has openly turned into a mafia state, makes the USA and Europe partners in crimes against humanity.
On the one hand, democracy and human rights, on the other hand, military-political involvement with a criminal organization like Turkey not only reset the credibility of the West, but also makes it criminal.
Every European and US politician should think twice when trying to make Turkey look cute.

Brezilya'da yakalandı!!

The Islamo-fascist Turkish state has been the real DRUG TRADE BARON since the 1970s. For example, a Turkish league was blown up in Scandinavia in the mid-1980s and the Danish and Swedish newspapers wrote: THE GREATEST HEROIN LEAGUE EVER. The Turkish state imported heroin BY TRUCK to Austria, France, Germany, England, Holland, Sweden and Denmark. I have previously written extensively on the subject: unless a state organizes this trade, no league can handle it. The scope of this TURKISH HEROIN TRADE is many times greater than the world famous Escobar League in Colombia.


Den islamo-fascistiska turkiska staten är den riktiga NARKOTIKA HANDEL BARONEN sedan 1970-talet. Till exempel man sprängde en turkisk liga i Skandinavien i mitten av 1980 talet och de danska och svenska tidningarna skrev: STÖRSTA HEROINLIGAN NÅGONSIN. Den turkiska staten förde in heroin MED LÅNGTRADARE till Österrike, Frankrike, Tyskland, England, Holland, Sverige och Danmark. Jag har tidigare skrivit utförligt i ämnet: om inte en stat organiserar denna handel, kan ingen liga klara av det. Omfattningen av denna TURKISKA HEROIN HANDEL är många gånger större än världens kända Escobar-ligan i Colombia.




Sayın Joe Biden Türk Narko Devleti'ni tam yerine bekçi yapıyor. Artık reis uçaklarla taşıyacak uyuşturucuyu.
Ordu da bu işlerde nakliyat yapmaya tam muaait. (MD)


''Türkiye gibi kanlı bir terör devletini hele bugün alenen mafyaya dönüşmüşken NATO üzerinden müttefik olarak takdim etmek ABD ve Avrupa'yı işlenen insanlık suçlarına ortak eder. Bir yandan demokrasi ve insan hakları derken diğer yandan Türkiye gibi bir suç organizasyonuyla askeri-siyasi ilişkilenme sadece batının güvenilirliğini sıfırlamakla kalmaz, suçlu durumuna düşürür. Avrupalı ve ABD'li her politikacı Türkiye'yi şirin göstermeye çalıştığında iki kere düşünmelidir''. (KFD)


Accepting a bloody terrorist state like Turkey as an ally in NATO, especially when it has openly turned into a mafia state, makes the USA and Europe partners in crimes against humanity.
On the one hand, democracy and human rights, on the other hand, military-political involvement with a criminal organization like Turkey not only reset the credibility of the West, but also makes it criminal. Every European and US politician should think twice when trying to make Turkey look cute.





Turk president Erdogan (L) and businessman Ethem Sancak are seen in the photo

The TC-GVA numbered business jet on which approximately 1.5 tons of drugs were seized in Brazil at 4th August 2021 belong to Erdogan linked Turk Ethem Sancak








Erdogan's former partner, former Turkish Prime Minister Davutoglu: "Erdogan made heroin transport on my plane"













İslamist türk terrörist'ler











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