to the Tigris”
by Freya Stark,
London 1959
It was published by John Murray, of London, in 1959
Her journey, on horseback, between Lake Wan and Jizre in Norther Kurdistan ''south east Turkey'', followed in the footsteps of the Roman armies who crossed the mountains under Lucullus in the first century BC, through the desolate and mountainous Hakkiari, and down to the river Tigris.
Dame Freya Madeleine Stark, DBE (b. 1893, Paris, France - d. 1993, Asolo, Italy) was a British travel writer. She was not only one of the first Western women to travel through the Arabian deserts (Hadhramaut), but she often travelled solo into areas where few Europeans, let alone women, had ever been.
The contents include:
· The Hakkiari
· Wan
· The Great Zab Valley
· Of Julamerk Which is Now Hakkari
· The Vali’s Bezique
· The Highland Road
· The Yaila of Soma
· Night in a Kurdish Garden
· Ride to Dirahini
· The Ride to Ulu Dere
· The Centre of the Mountains
· The Tigris Watershed
· Tigris and the Ten Thousand
· Note on Place-Names
· Index
Lo þivano
pez winda bû
li mêrgano.
berhev bîne
pez û mêgel
bêxwedî ne.
(Min van her du çarînan a nuha ji HESTÊN DILÊ XWE derbirîn
li ser peyva hin ji me kurdan ku wisa bawer dikirin
van cil û bergên hêrkiyan ên aþûriyan in.
Vê bizanin ku asûrî jî wek tirka berhevkar, nêçîrvan û TALANKER bûn.
Loma wan çi berhemdêriya cil û bergan - berî kurdan - nîn bû.
Ta ku cil û bergên YÖRÜKAN jî cil û bergên kurdî ne.
Kurdên EFRÎNÊ hîna jî van li ber xwe dikin)
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