The Gateway of Kirkuk, Kurdistan, By Arthur Melville, 1929.
Paul Von Franken (1818-1884) T- Von Jagd Der Kurdische, Öl Auf Leinwand
1914 yılında Moskova'da yayımlanmış 'Kazak ve Kürdlerin Çarpışması' adlı resim...
Rus ordusunda görevli kazak birlikleri ve kürd süvariler defalarca karşı karşıya gelmişlerdir.
Kurd Festival at Aiu Divar in 1942 - Western Kurdistan
As known, Europeans occupied with the Crusaders the Middle East in the 13th century under the guise of "save the Holy Land and Jerusalem".
The Kurds opposed this invasion with their King Saladin The Magnificent and defeated all the European states that had united under the British King Rickard Lionheart.
The British and all European armies had been defeated.
The commander of the European armies the British king Rickard Lionheart fell prisoner. The Magnificent Saladin returned his sword to him and released him
and invited him and his staff to a party.
The painting can be found in the Dutch National Museum.
Kurdish man by dıplomat Griogory Gagarin
Tibilisi 1855 Georgia
Su taşıyan Kürd kadınları tablosu.. Aleksandr Shevchenko 1883-1948
DIORAMA - Fauconnier kurde. — d'après un dessin de M. le commandant Duhousset.
Kurdish Girl Original Oil Painting of a Child Colorful Scarf Portrait Nersel-Muehlen
Kurdish Girl Original Oil Painting of a Child Colorful Scarf Portrait Nersel-Muehlen
Kurdish Girl Original Oil Painting of a Child Colorful Scarf Portrait Nersel-Muehlen