"Kurdistan- "The Fertile/Golden Crescent"... the country where civilization was born, is now ruined beyond recognition, mainly by the Turkish occupation.”
A brief summary of Kurdistan's history of colonization
The river basin around Eufrates and Tigris, which historically
is called Mesopotamia, was a cosmopolitan mixture of several cultures. Mesopotamia
influenced all countries in the ancient world to a high degree.
The Mesopotamian culture originates from the firtile river basins of Eufrates
and Tigris, on the highlands of Kurdistan where civilization was born. Here
crops were grown for the first time, the wheel was invented and the art of making
cheese developed. A 5000-year-old menu, a rock carving, was found when excavating
close to the city of Hewlêr in southern Kurdistan. (Iraqi Kurdistan) In
the Midde East, Several dynasties have ruled in history, such as the Guties,
the Kyrties (year 3000 BC. And the Meds (year 500 BC.), from wich the Kurds
themselves originates. In the bible the Kurds are mentioned as Hurritians. In
modern history Kurdistan was a self-governing province under the multi-national
Ottoman rule until 1919, when the Ottoman Empire fell. Many peoples then had
the opportunity to free themselves from this “the peoples prison”
and become independent. In the Paris convent wich took place in 1919, after
the First World War, the victorious powers decided that the Kurds should be
allowed to form their own state on the ruins of the Ottoman state, like the
Armenians in todays northern Kurdistan. (the Turkish part of Kurdistan) and
parts of southern Kurdistan.
But during the Sevre and Lozans peace treaties that decicion was never ratified
because of European backup for Turkish nationalist politics, especially by the
English governmental delegation. Prospecting by English state oil companies
in Kurdish areas concluded that large amounts of oil were present in the area.
The Kurdish nobility and intellektuals were persecuted, imprisoned and hanged
and the rest of them deported by the new government. The Kurdish resistance
was quelled.
Thereby five countries; Iran, Iraq, Syria; Turkey and the Soviet Union split
Kurdistan. The exercising of Kurdish culture and language was prohibited by
the new, Unitarian, pro- fascist Turkish state from the day it was formed. The
father of the people Mustafa Kemal Ataturk began his buchering of the Kurds
and hundreds of thousans of Kurds were murded and millions deported from Kurdistan
to the western cities in Kapadokia, Anatolia and even further to Trakia.
The land Kurdistan is inhabited by a Kurdish majority, and minorities such as
Armenians, Syrians and Arabs.
There are, however not a Turkish minority in Kurdistan. The Turks who inhabit
the Kurdish cities are the Turkish state governing officials- either civil servants
of the Turkish state or police and officers from the civil and military authorities.
Kurdish belongs to the Indoeuropean language family and is spoken
by approximately 40 million people. Kurdish has a lot in comon with Latin languages
and a lot of words are identical. Older and originally identical words in Kurdish
English, Italian, French and Swedish are countless. To name but a few: horse,
egg, lip, (eye) brows, door, bridge, pool, cone, hub, name etc.
1. Charles Darwin /The Origin of Species, 1859
2. Wigram, Edgar T. A./The Cradle of Mankind - Life in Eastern
Kurdistan, London 1914
3. Child, Gordon /What happened
in History, 1942
4. Braidwood, Robert J & Howe, Bruce/Prehistoric
Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan, University of Chicago 1960
5. Braidwood, Robert J. /American
Antropological Association, The Jarmo Project, University of Chicago 1948
6. Nickles, Harry J. /Middle Eastern Cooking
/ The Food That Launched Civilisation, 1969
7. SCIENCE, Site of Eincorn Wheat Domestication
Identified by DNA Fingerprinting, 1312-1314, 14-11-1997
8. Prof Stuart Piggot /Beginning of Wheeled Transport, Scientific
American July 1969, p. 82-909.
9. NATURE, Autmn 2003, About the Births and development history
of the Indo-European Languages.
10. Bedir Khan, Sureyya/ The Case of Kurdistan Against Turkey,
HOYBOON-Supreme Council of the Kurdish Government, Philadelphia,1926