12 Eylül 1980
September 12, 2022 marks the 42nd black anniversary of the İslamo-Fascist Turkish military coup 1980 - the second phase of a process
of institutionalizing of state terror in all areas in Kurdistan.
12 September and 12 March -- the dates of the 1980 and 1971 military coups -- will remain like to more black dates in Turkey's BLOODY & DIRTY history.
Indeed, the Turkish coup d'etat of March 12, 1971 had already abolished or destroyed several democratic rights and institutions through the application of unprecedented repression.
September 12, 1980... Generals of the Turkish Army carried out a military coup to prevent a Kurdish independence efforts and the progress of the civil forces defending the social and economic rights of the people. The process of democratization and accession of Turkey to the European Economic Community (currently the European Union) was stopped by force and the country was transformed into a huge concentration camp.
For 42 years, despite the resistance of democratic forces in Turkey, successive powers, including that of the invader Islamo-Fascist Turk Caliph Recep Tayyip Erdogan, have run another new terror of the state in Kurdistan and Turkey.
Crimes committed by the putschists of the September 12, 1980 coup:
The Constitution imposed in 1982 by the military junta abolished the last vestiges of the freedoms recognized by the 1961 Constitution.
This constitution denies the fundamental rights of the Kurdish people and the minorities like Armenian, Assyrian and Greeks (el-LAZ)
The domination of the Army over the political, economic and social life of the country has been rendered untouchable by the privileges recognized by this constitution to the National Security Council (MGK).
In two years, up to 1 million people have been arrested and subjected to torture but the majority of these people were Kurds.
500 people lost their lives during their detention.
Thousands of people have been disabled.
210,000 political trials have been opened before military courts.
A total of 98,404 people were tried for their opinions.
6,353 people were tried under the threat of capital punishment.
21,764 people were sentenced to heavy prison terms.
Fifty people were executed following the political trials.
Files have been opened on 1,683,000 people.
348,000 people were denied passports.
The universities were placed under the authority of the Supreme Council of Education (YOK), dependent on the political power.
15,509 people were expelled from their university posts under law N°1402.
18,000 civil servants, 2,000 judges and prosecutors, 4,000 police officers, 2,000 army officers and 5,000 teachers were forced to resign.
All political parties have been closed.
The activities of the 23,667 associations have been stopped.
The press was subject to censorship.
4,509 people were deported by martial law commanders.
Several convicts have lost their lives in prison due to ill-treatment or during the hunger strike in protest against this ill-treatment.
113,607 books were burned.
39 tons of books, magazines and newspapers were destroyed by state paper mills.
937 films were banned.
2,792 authors, translators and journalists were brought before the courts.
The total prison sentences pronounced against the journalists and writers amounted to 3,315 years and 3 months.
September 12th, 2022
Kurdish political prisoners started at 18 May 1982 a hunger strike action in The Turkish military prison in Diyarbekir 5 No'lu and many of them died in this action
På Newroz aftonen till 21 Mars 1982 tändes en motståndsgnista av fången Mazlum Dogan mot tortyr och förnedrande behandling av de politiska fångarna
i det ökända turkiska militärfängelset 5 No'lu i Diyarbekir-Kurdistan - İllustration: Abdullah Aksu
12 september 1980 - Det turkiska militärfängelset vid Diyarbekir - Norra Kurdistan
Denna turkiska tortyren heter: röka, då tvingades en tänd cigaret i anuset på fångarna
İllustration:Zulfukar Tak' själv fånge i detta fängelse
Sakine Cansiz from Dersim suffered hard in 20 years in this unhuman place
A view of the visitor-cabin in the Turkish Prison 5 No'lu in Diyarbekir in Kurdistan Here met the visitors Kurdish prisoners.
The text on the dorr: 'Speak Turkish Speak More'!
Her 12 Eylül 1980 yılının 40. yıldönümünde insan o günleri hatırladığında insanın türyleri diken diken oluyor.
12 Eylül 1980 ÖZELLİKLE kürdlere kan kusturdukları gün. Yakalayıp zındana attıklarına insanlık dışı işkenceler yaparak katleden bir işgal, istila, talan, işkence, zulüm, ölüm, sürgün, cumhuriyeti; türk ırk-devleti Türkiye'nin bize yapmadığı kötülüğün kalmadığı o gün.. Hep lanetle ve nefretle anılacaktır o işgalci islamo-faşist ülkey, devlet ve ırk ulusu Türkiye!.
Döktükleri kanda boğulacaklardır.
O çiçek soldu..
Bedenlerimizin tar-u mar edildiği, çığlıklarımızın uçurumlardan atıldığı, 12 Eylül Cehenneminin karanlık günleriydi..
İnanır mısınız? üç yaşındaki çok sevdiğim yeğenimin adını unutmuştum hücrede.. Annem görüşe geldiğinde adını sordum. Annem hafızamı yitirdiğimi sanmıştı... ağlayarak, "Yasemin" dedi. Görüşme esnasında yanımda duran asker "Yasemin"i şifre olarak anladı ve günlerce hücrede bir çiçek ismini telafuz ettiğim için işkence gördüm. Dünyada çiçeği andığı için işkence gören var mıydı acaba ? onu çok merak ediyorum.
Hayal kurmak bile yasaktı..Ama biz inadına hayallerin en romantiğini, en estetiğini ve en insani olanını hep kurduk.. hem de yalnızca Yasemin'i değil, bütün çiçeklerin omuz omuza verip renklendirdiği bahçelerde kahkaha atarak...
Evet.. o çiçek soldu, toprakla buluştu, onlarca Yasemin'e bedeniyle, gülümseyen yüzü ve yürek güzelliği ile tohum oldu.. bahçemizden bir renk eksildi.. toprak yeni Yaseminlere gebe şimdi.. :(
Aziz Gülmüş
(12 Eylül Diyarbakır Cezaevi Anıları CEHENNEM KAHKAHALARI kitabından)
Erdal Eren var 17 år. Militärjuntan höjde hans ålder till 18 och hängde honom "enligt lagen"
Eren måste hängas för att han var en fånge från en familj med alawitisk (kurdisk religiös inriktning) tro.
-- Hepsa Diyarbekir!! Wey Tu bin erdê kevî tevî xwediyê xwe!'