Held On
25 September 2017
The Kurds declared that they wanted independence with a rate of 93% in the Referendum held on September 25, 2017 to the whole world. This demand is not the decision of a leader, an army, a party, a group, or even a parliament. This decision is not only the decision of the southern Kurds, this decision is a declaration of will, but also as a whole.
This decision is the common decision of a people of 50 million who have experienced many massacres due to statelessness in the Middle East.
(Kürdler, tüm dünyaya 25 Eylül 2017'de yapılan Referendum da %93'lük bir oranla bağımsızlık istediklerini ilan etmişlerdir. Bu talep bir liderin, bir ordunun bir partinin, bir grubun, hatta bir parlamentonun kararı değildir. Bu karar sadece güneyli kürdlerin de kararı değildir, bu karar bu irade beyanıdır aynı zamanda bir bütün halindedir.
Bu karar
Ortadoğu'da devletsizlikten dolayı defalarca katliamlar yaşamış 50 milyonluk bir halkın ortak kararıdır)
Kürdistan'da referandum meselesine çok dikkat etmek gerekir. Güney Kürdistan kürd nüfusu ulusal bilinç anlamında diğer parçalara nazaran daha gelişmiş bir konumdadır.
Ama diğer parçalar ve özellikle de Kuzey Kürdistan ulusal bilinç bakımından işgalci türkler tarafından nerdeyse tam köreltilmiş durumdadır.
Bu bnakımdan Kuzey Kürdistan'da ileride yapılacak bir referandumda 'bağımsızlık karşıtı'!! bir sonuç pekala çıkarılabilir.
Bu yüzden kürdlerin zaten çok gecikmiş doğal hakkı olan bir hakkı seçime tabi tutmak bu bakımdan tam bir haksızlık ve hatta ahlaksızlık olur.
Sonra çölde kızgın güneş altında susuzluktan perişan olmuş bir adama 'su istiyor musun' diye sormak gibi saçma bir şeydir kürdler için bağımsızlık referandumu.
Elbette tek isteğim 'su' yani BAĞIMSIZLIK ve BAĞIMSIZLIK İSTİYORUM.
TODA ISRAEL! - The only neighbour country in the Middle East who gave its support to Kurdish İndependence was Israel!
Thank you to Prime Minister Netanyahu and Ayalet Shaket for their statement for Kurdish Independence support!
Kurdistan + Israel = True
No Peace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without Independence & Freedom of Kurdish People
Referandum zayıflık ve ikirciklik işaretidir, çünkü bir madalyonun diğer yüzü gibi, 'BAĞIMSIZ OLMAYALIM MI?' sorusunu da içeriyor!
Yarın yine çok geç olabilir!
Kürd liderler hiçbir sömürgeci güce dayanmadan, sadece kürd ve Kürdistan'ın özgücü ve özkaynakları ve tükenmez büyük potansiyeline dayanarak hemen devletleşmek için bağımsız ve güdümsüz hareket etmelidirler.
Kürdler sömürgeci devletlerden bağımsız olmadığı müddetçe, ne yazık ki, daha çok büyük acılar yaşayacaktır.
Önümüzdeki onyıllarda dünyanın genel durumu giderek daha karmaşık bir hal alıp, birçok ülke ve toplum derin bir kriz ve kaos ortamına sürüklenecektir.
Kürdler misilleme yapma gücüne sahip olmadıklarından, kürd karşıtı güçlerin gözünde çok zayıf ve istenilen kötü muameleye uğratılabilir bir topluluk olarak değerlendirilmektedir.
Böylesi bir ortamda, hem başka ülke ve milletlerin arasında ve hemde kürdlerle, kürdlerin işgalcileri arasında daha somut, daha belirgin ve daha yoğun çatışmalar yaşanacak ve halkımız devletsiz kaldığı sürece de daha çok büyük baskı, zulüm, işkence ve katliamlara maruz kalabilecektir.
Yani, tekrar kürdlerin kafası kesilecek, yine kürdler diri diri yakılacaktır! Kızları ve kadınlarına işgalci islamcılar tarafından yine tecavüz edilecektir.
Bütün bunlar kürdlerin herkes gibi kendi devletini bir an evvel kurmadığı ve kuramadığı için yine olacaktır.
NOT: Bu yazı referandum'dan önce yazıldı ve referandum'da Güney Kürdistan'ın bağımsızşlaşmasına kürd halkı % 92,73 bir oranla evet oyu verdi
ama hala başımsız bir kürd devleti ne yazık ki ilan edilmemiştir. Kürd halkını koruyan, kollayan bir kendi öz devleti olmadığı müddetçe, kürd halkı hep böyle büyük katliam ve soykırım provalarına uğrayarak çok ağır baskı ve zulümlerle dolu bir yaşam kavgası ve mücadelesi içinde olacaktır.
Goran Candan
Stockholm Sergelstorg
İŞGALCİ KATİL TÜRK DEVLETİ DÜNYA KÜRDLERİNİN UMUDU GÜNEY KÜRDİSTAN'I YIKABİLİR Evet, zaman bütün dert ve acıları dindirir ve hatta birçok yarayı sararak iyileştirir, bu doğrudur ama üzerinden ne kadar zaman geçerse geçsin, tarih tek bir yarayı iyileştiremez ve o da teslim edilmemiş olan HAK davasıdır. |
"It is time that the UN recognizes Kurdistan now!"
Stockholm Medborgarplatsen
Det är dags att FN erkänner Södra Kurdistan som en suvären stat om FN vill ha stabilitet och säkerhet i hela Mellanöstern. Irak är en artificiell nation som sattes ihop av den imperialistiska England för att transportera energi till Europa. I och med den konstgjorda egenskapen av den irakiska "nationen" håller inte Irak ihop. "Nationen" Irak har havererat. De olika religiösa och etniska arabiska och persiska minoriteterna i Irak forstätter att utrora varandra med flera hundra dödsoffer om dagen. Motsättningarna mellan dessa etniciteter och motsättningarna inom islam (shiitiska-sunnitiska) är så mycket starkt att parterna kastar till och med bomber in i varandras moskéer.
Den enda demokratiska och sekulära nationen i Mellanöstern förutom judarna är kurderna.
Hela FNs mellanösternpolitik är fel. FN stödjer islamism (Palestina) och motarbetar sekularism och demokrati (Kurdistan).
Dags att korrigera felet - Erkänn de fakto kurdisk stat för fred, jämlikhet, demokrati, laisism, stabilitet och säkerhet i hela Mellanöstern.
FN gör tvärtom; stödjer DE ISLAMO-FASCISTISKA TURK-ARAB & PERSISKA ILLEGITIMA KONSTGJORDA GRÄNSERNA som delat Kurdistan i 1923 till fem delar.
Palestinierna är islamister och utövar terror, till och med mot den oinblandade tredje parten (1967, 1972, 1988) och mördar urskiljningslöst civila människor - FN låter Palestina ha en ständig representantskap i FNs församlingssal !!!!???
Kurderna är anti-islamister och sekulära. Den kurdiska civilbefolkningen attacekras av de TURKISKA (nationel vision, gråvargarna, isis), ARABISKA (muslimska brödraskapet, al-nusra, isis), PERSISKA (hizbollah, hashdi shabi), kurdiska barn och kvinnor förs bort som slavar och säljs på slavmarknader i de islamiska riken Turkiet, Irak, Iran och Syrien. FN gör INGENTING.
Nu är det dags att handla rätt: Erkänn Södra Kurdistans redan befintliga kurdiska stat så att kurderna kan försvara sig själv mot folkmord samt försvara de grundläggande universella mänskliga fri- och rättigheterna innan det är alltför sent. Gör det, det är högtid.
Det kurdiska folket betalar ett stort pris för sitt överlevnad och bjuder på ett hårt motstånd mot invasion, kolonialism och turk-arab och persiska islamo-fascism. Det kurdiska folket kämpar heroiskt väl och tillfredställande. Kurdernas största problem är de k,pta kurdiska ledarna. Det de av kurdernas fiender kontrollerade kurdiska ledare som orsakar det framgångsrika kurdiska motsåndet inte når sitt mål. Kurdiska ledare är aningen islamister eller köpta och falska internationalister som presikar att leva under sin förtryckares ok för att stärka antingen den islamiska jihadistiska eller den korrupta socialistiska saken.
Därför är tyvärr kurderna på grund av sina korrupta ledare inte kapabla att frigöra sig från det stora lidandet som de imperialistiska engelsmännen och fransmännen i början av förra seklet satte dem i. Han, Öcalan som kallades kurdisk ledare, det visade sig att vara en turkisk Quisling. De övriga kurdiska ledarna är islamister och är mera angelägna om den islamiska nationens sak än om en oberoende kurdisk statsbildning.
Goran Candan
Kurdish President Masoud Barzani
An independence referendum for Kurdistan Region of Iraq was held on 25 September 2017, with preliminary results showing approximately 93.25 percent of votes cast in favour of independence. Despite reporting that the independence referendum would be non-binding, the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) characterised it as binding, although they claimed that an affirmative result would trigger the start of state building and negotiations with Iraq rather than an immediate declaration of independence of Kurdistan.
It was originally planned to be held in 2014 amidst controversy and dispute between the regional and federal governments. Calls for Kurdish independence had been going on for years, with an unofficial 2005 referendum resulting in 98% voting in favor of independence. These longstanding calls gained impetus following the Northern Iraq offensive by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant during the Iraqi Civil War in which Baghdad-controlled forces abandoned some areas, which were then taken by the Peshmerga and controlled de facto by the Kurds.
The referendum was announced and delayed on several occasions as Kurdish forces co-operated with the Iraqi central government for the liberation of Mosul,[10] but by April 2017, it was being seen as happening some time in 2017. On 7 June 2017, Kurdish President Masoud Barzani held a meeting with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and other ruling parties, where the independence referendum was confirmed to be held on 25 September 2017.
The referendum led to a military conflict with the Iraqi central government, in which the KRG lost 40 percent of its territory and its main source of revenue, the Kirkuk oil fields. Following the referendum, Masoud Barzani resigned as president.
The Kurdistan Regional Government had criticised Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, claiming that his rule was divisive. After the central government began withholding funding to the Kurdistan Regional Government in January 2014, the KRG attempted to export oil via the northern pipeline into Turkey in May, but the Iraqi government lobbied international governments to block the export and sale of this oil.
As jihadis affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took control of much of western and northern Iraq in June 2014, the Iraqi military in those areas largely disintegrated and abandoned their positions. The Peshmerga stepped into this vacuum, taking control of the city of Kirkuk and other northern areas long claimed by the Kurdistan Regional Government but until then outside its formal control. In these disputed areas, Kurdish forces under the regional government spearheaded a "concerted campaign" to displace Arab communities in northern Iraq, actions that could amount to war crimes, according to a report by Amnesty International.
Al-Maliki's government was widely blamed for the failure of the security forces and for Sunni Arab dissatisfaction with the central government, and international and domestic calls for a new prime minister became widespread. On 1 July, Kurdish president Masoud Barzani announced his intention to call a referendum on independence sometime in 2014 on the grounds that the country had been "effectively partitioned" already.
In September 2014, after Maliki was replaced as prime minister by Haider al-Abadi, Kurdish leaders agreed to postpone the referendum while they focused on the fight against ISIL.
On 3 February 2016, Rudaw.net reported that Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani told KRG legislators that the referendum would be held sometime before the 2016 American presidential election in early November. On 23 March, Barzani said, in an interview with Al-Monitor media website, that the referendum would take place before October 2016. However, in late October, Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani confirmed that the referendum would not be held until after Mosul had been liberated.
In August 2016, Haider Al-Abadi said that he saw self-determination as an "undisputed right"-
News reports from December 2016 said Kurdistan's Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani had suggested the region could push for independence from Baghdad once the ongoing battle to liberate Mosul from ISIL was complete.
In early April 2017, as the liberation of Mosul was progressing, the ruling political parties of Kurdistan Region, the KDP and PUK, announced their goal of holding an independence referendum in 2017.
On 7 June 2017, Kurdish President Masoud Barzani announced that the referendum would take place on 25 September 2017. Barzani's assistant Hemin Hawrami said the referendum will also take place in Kirkuk, Makhmour, Sinjar and Khanaqin regions. All of these areas are disputed and are claimed by the central government. Senior Kurdish official Hoshyar Zebari said a "Yes" vote in the referendum wouldn't mean an automatic declaration of independence of Kurdistan, but will "strengthen the Kurds' hand" in talks on self-determination with the central government.
On three separate occasions, Assyrians from Alqosh protested against the removal of their mayor by the KDP-dominated Nineveh Provincial Council. The residents of Alqosh rejected the idea of their town being a "disputed area" and demanded the immediate reinstatement of their former mayor. The removal, which occurred two months before the referendum, caused protests because the mayor was replaced by a KDP member from Alqosh.
On 14 August, a delegation from the KRG met with Prime Minister Abadi and Vice-President Maliki in Baghdad to discuss the upcoming referendum and affairs between the KRG and Iraq. Romeo Hakkari, the Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac representative of the delegation and head of the Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party said that in addition to the meeting with Iraqi officials, they would meet with foreign missions in Baghdad.
The KRG said referendum planning and implementation of the vote was up to the local councils of the disputed regions. The Shingal District Council expressed its support on 30 July for the KRG's efforts to include the Shingal area in the referendum. The Mayoral Council of Khanaqin on 16 August discussed the issue and decided to hold the referendum in their region. The Bashiqa Town Council voted the next day and decided to take part in the referendum.
After a rare high-level meeting between the Iranian military chief of staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara on 16 August, a joint statement "voiced strong opposition" to the referendum.
The local council of Mandali, whose population includes both Arabs and Kurds, had voted in favour of including the town in the referendum on 17 August. Arab residents however protested against the decision on 10 September. A day later, the city council withdrew the decision of participation in the referendum while Mandali's mayor, Hoshiya Ismail, was dismissed from his position.
On 29 August, the Kirkuk Provincial Council voted on the issue of holding the referendum in Kirkuk. Of the 41 council members, 24 attended with 23 voting in favor of holding the referendum while one abstained. The remaining 17 members, all of whom were Turkmen and Arabs, boycotted the vote. On 14 September, the Iraqi parliament voted to dismiss Najmiddin Karim as the Governor of Kirkuk, a decision requested by al-Abadi after Kirkuk's provincial assembly voted to take part in the referendum. Karim said he will not follow the dismissal order and will stay in office. The provincial council meanwhile condemned the decision of the parliament with council head Ribwar al-Talabani claiming only the council had the power to remove him.
Campaigning for the referendum officially began on 5 September. The region's electoral commission said campaigning would last for 18 days with the Iraqi Kurdish diaspora being able to vote on 23 September, two days ahead of the main poll.
The Iraqi parliament rejected the referendum on 12 September. The Kurdistan Region Parliament approved a plan to hold the referendum on 15 September. 68 out of 111 lawmakers attended the session with Gorran boycotting it. Iraq's Supreme Court on 18 September ordered the suspension of the referendum to examine its constitutionality. Barzani however vowed to go ahead with the referendum.