The Only Secular Democratic Power In The Backwardly Middle East
Kurdish Anti-Terror Unit
Pêþmerge li þerê DAÎÞê terorîst ê tirk-erebê dagîrker, 2016
- På de turk-arabiska islamistiska ISIS fascisterna!
One who confronts death.. Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers in Kurdistan mountains against the Islamist Arabic Iraqi Army, 1960 by William Carter
Eskerên kurd li þerê bi ingilîzan re, baþûrê Kurdistanê 1920.
Peshmerga Forces in the 1970s
Peshmerga soldiers, 1965, by William Carter
Peshmerga - Modern Kurdish Freedom Fighter
The young Masoud Barzani in while fighting as a young peshmerga in the mountains since he is 14 years old - here at a mountain village, 1969
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PESHMERGAS - Der Welt Kreig -1975
Þêrejiên pêþmerge
Peshmerga is not like islamistic TURK-ARAB & PERSIAN ARMY, Peshmerga is gender equal,
Yekîtiya Parastina Jinan - YPJ (Women Defeance Forces) ın Western Kurdistan
The Kurdish Peshmergas using Milan Rockets against islamo-fascist Turk-Arab & Persian supported ISIS & Hizbollah (Hashdi Shabi) terrorists
Akadmiya Leþkerî ya Zêrevanî li Duhokê - Zêrevan Askerî Akademî- Duhok
Peshmerga is not like islamist TURK-ARAB & PERSIAN ARMY, Peshmerma has respect for religious and ethnical diversity
Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers are not like islamistic TURK-ARAB & PERSIAN ARMY - Peshmergas has respect for religious and ethnical diversity
From left second, sitting: Franso Hariri a Christian Kurd Peshmerga soldiers who was killed in an islamic suicide bomb attack in the begining of 2000.
Kurds were not muslims from the begining. Kurds are forced to Islam by sword and blood after many big massacres on the Kurdish people.
Still there is a small christian Kurdish minority in Kurdistan.
Our JEWISH friends visiting Kurdistan. 1960s
Du Pêþmergeyên Rojhelata Kurdistanê
Þêr þêr e, ne jin e ne mêr e.
Yek neteweyê kurd heye ne du!
Loma jî divê YEK HÊZEKE NETEWEYÎ hebe - Ne du!
Qubad Talabanî - Head of Kurdish Forces at the war against Turk-Arabic Islamic State ISIS, 2014-2017
Masrûr Barzanî - Head of Kurdish Forces at the war against Turk-Arabic Islamic State ISIS, 2014-2017
Ursula von der Leyen's visit of Southern Kurdistan & Peshmerga
Keçên kurd rabûne û hiþyar in êdî ..
Baregeheke pêþmergeyî ya nûjen
Pêþmergeyên canfîdakar û xwebexþ ..
Têperîna/derbasbûna Pêşmerge ji ser axa Bakurê Kurdistanê bo rizgarkirina Kobanî.. ew roj, 29.10.2014: Roja Kurda bû !
Gava hêzên Pêþmerge ji Bakurê Kurdistanê diçin hawara hêzên birayên xwe yên têkoþer ên ku
li Kobanî Rojavayê Kurdistanê þerê DAÎÞ'ên terorîst ên tirk-erebên îslambaz (29 Oktober, 2014)
Gava hêzên Pêþmerge ji Bakurê Kurdistanê diçin hawara hêzên birayên xwe yên têkoþer ên ku li Kobanî li Rojavayê Kurdistanê þerê DAÎÞ'ên terorîst ên tirk-erebên îslambaz (29 Oktober, 2014)
Pêþmergeyên Kurdistanê li jêr alayekê dibin yek
Kurdish Female Peshmerga Forces in Western Kurdistan (Rojava)
Ji milê çepê: Serbest Zaxoyî, Xesro Goran
A Volnteer from Canada
R.I.P Dear friend of the opressad Kurdish people. The Kurdish people will always be greatful for what you did.
Navy SEAL Charles Keating, three years ago today 4th May, 2016 he was killed
along with 15 Peshmerga when the front line in Telskuf was overrun by 100+ ISIS fighters. (GR)
He selflessly sacrificed his life three years ago today in the struggle against enemy of humanity: the TURK-ARABIC & PERSIAN ISIS terrorists.
Volnteers from England Jim Atherton
Swiss volunteer joins Peshmerga
Xwedê Hêza Pêþmerge Xurttir Bike!
Pêşmergeyên dêrîn ên salên 1970'yî
Artêþa Kurd - Kürd Ulusal Ordusu - Kurdish National Army
Artêþa Kurd - Kürd Ulusal Ordusu - Kurdish National Army
Pêshmerge - Întellektuel
Keçeke kurd a delalî ya li Swêdê
Kurdish Female Army Forces
Today (14.02.2020) at Hewler (Urbilium)
Kurdish female freedom varirors: Peshmergas
(They are training extra to be able to protect themselves from a possible Turkish army attack. Turkish army is about to attack North African countries (Libia, Egypt), Syria and Grece again)
US Army staff visiting Kurdish forces in Kurdistan
At Kurdistan's montains
Talida Rodgiro (39) model, leyistikvan û dengbêj bû. Talita ji welatê Brazilyayê bû. Talida dosta kurda bû. Vê keça Brazilî dema þerê li dijê
DAÎÞê hate Kurdistanê û di nava hêzên Pêþmergeyan de cih girt û þerê li dijê DAÎÞê de çalakek hêja bû....
Þerê Rusya û Ukranya de çû Ukrayna û di nava refên artêþa Ukranya de li dijî Rusya þer kir. Talîda di hêrîþeke Rusyayê de li bajarê Xarkîvê jiyana xwe ji dest da.Rehmet li gora wê be.. 07.07.2022
Talida Rodgiro (39) was a model, actress and singer. Talida was from Brazil. Talida was a close friend to the Kurdish people. She came to Kurdistan during the war against ISIS and joined the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and did a valuable action in the war against ISIS.... During the war between Russia and Ukraine, she went to Ukraine and fought against Russia with the Ukrainian army. Talida lost unfortunately her life in a Russian attack in the city of Kharkiv 07.07.2022
PESHMERGAS - Der Welt Kreig -1975