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US: Congress wants to give air defence systems to Kurdish fighters in Southern Kurdistan

Stockpile of US precision-guided munitions in Israel and Abraham Accords are also in focus as US defence spending bill takes shape


Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) in the Erbil province of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on 1 December 2022 (AFP)


By Sean Mathews
Published date: 21 June 2023

US lawmakers are looking to get air defence systems into the hands of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq after the region was struck by a series of missile and drone attacks by Iran and Turkey. 

On Wednesday, the House Armed Services Committe passed an amendment by Republican Congressman Don Bacon that would support the transfer of air defence systems to the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga. The vote came during a markup of the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), an annual piece of legislation that sets the budget for the Pentagon.

Bacon told Middle East Eye the measure had "strong bipartisan support", adding that it “would direct the US administration to prepare and implement a plan of action to train and equip Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi security forces to defend against attacks by Iranian missiles, rockets and unmanned systems”.

The Peshmerga are fighters in Iraqi Kurdistan. They work with the Iraqi security forces and receive arms and financial assistance from the US as part of Washington’s campaign to defeat the Islamic State militant (IS) group.

Iraqi Kurdistan is relatively stable but last year the region witnessed an escalation of violence as both Iran and Turkey launched air strikes against Kurdish groups operating in the area. The Kurdish regional government of Iraq (KRG) allows Iranian Kurdish groups to operate in the region but also maintains ties with Tehran. 

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps targeted Kurdish-Iranian armed opposition groups in late 2022, when Tehran was struggling to control mass protests sparked by the death of a young Kurdish woman in police custody.

The US condemned the missile and drone attacks at the time, which Washington said "brazenly violated Iraq’s sovereignty". 

The Kurdish Peshmerga already receive about $20m a month in the form of stipends from the US Department of Defence, Jonathan Lord, head of the Middle East security programme at the Center for a New American Security, told MEE. He cautioned that providing air defence systems for the Peshmerga could run up against supply constraints, as US allies jockey for the armaments.

“US air defence systems are in very high demand,” he told MEE. “Ukraine, Gulf states, the KRG - every country or region where Iranian loitering munitions, ballistic missiles, or rockets pose a threat, is a place looking to strengthen its air defence capabilities,” he said.

The war in Ukraine has occupied Washington’s attention, but the Middle East still features prominently in the draft NDAA being hammered out by the House and Senate.

Israel precision-guided munitions

A separate amendment in the House draft NDAA calls for the extension of financial assistance to vetted Syrian groups and partner forces in Iraq to counter IS.

The US combat mission in Iraq ended in December 2021, but roughly 2,500 troops are in the country - mainly in the north and Baghdad - serving in an advise and assist capacity via an agreement with the government of Iraq.

Around 900 US troops are stationed in northeast Syria working alongside Kurdish forces. The official justification for the US presence is the 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force, which Congress passed after the 11 September attacks to combat the militant group al-Qaeda.

The US presence in Syria has become a back-burner issue, but with few American casualties and Washington’s foes and Iran and Russia entrenched in the country, efforts to end the US footprint have not gained traction in Congress.

Lawmakers are also concerned that Turkey could take advantage of an American withdrawal to launch an assault on Kurdish militants it considers “terrorists” but who the US regards as allies. 

As expected, US-Israeli military ties also take up a big chunk of the 2024 NDAA’s Middle East portfolio.

One of the main concerns among lawmakers appears to be how the war in Ukraine might impact Washington’s ability to arm its closest Middle East ally. In January, The New York Times reported that the Pentagon had tapped into its military stockpile in Israel - known as WRSA-I - to provide artillery shells to Kyiv.

An amendment in the House NDAA calls on the Pentagon to provide a report on the status of US stockpiles of precision-guided munitions in Israel. Lawmakers want to know the “quantity and type of munitions” the US transferred to Ukraine and what the Pentagon will replace them with in order to maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge against its neighbours.

The amendment also calls for the secretary of defence to brief lawmakers on the potential for increased US-Israel defence collaboration in emerging technologies.

Lawmakers are also working to include legislation designed to counter maritime threats emanating from Iran in the NDAA, Congressional sources told MEE.

The Maritime Act was introduced in April by the Abraham Accords Caucuses in the Senate and House, with the aim of strengthening security cooperation between Israel, the US and its Arab partners.

Israel and Arab countries have quietly cooperated on security and intelligence matters for decades, but ties came out in the open with the signing of the Abraham Accords when the UAE, Morocco and Bahrain normalised relations with Israel.

Despite a flourishing arms trade and closer engagement between these countries in formats like Centcom - US military command for the Middle East - Arab countries have recently signalled a more cautious approach to Israel amid concerns about getting caught in a potential clash between Israel and Iran. The UAE and Saudi Arabia have both restored diplomatic relations with Tehran.

Meanwhile, plans for a summit between Arab countries, Israel and the US in Morocco were shelved by Rabat amid rising tensions in the occupied West Bank.












Kurdiska frihetskampen mot de persiäska Islamiska Staten Iran!













Rojhilat kürd liderlerinin dava adamı OLMADIKLARININ, mahmê (sürekli mızmızlayan-sızlayan) olduklarının ve hatta hain olduklarının bir kanıtı:
2022-2023 yılllarında başlayan hazır devrim şartları sunan Mahsa Jîna Emînî başkaldırısına sahip ÇIKMAMALARIDIR.

Tıpkı bu başkaldırının İLK GÜNLERİNDE dendiği gibi SORUMSUZ ve hatta HAİN kürd liderlikleri bu büyük tarihi fırsatı da KAÇIRACAKTI.

Hain kürd liderler daha çok fırsatları KAÇIRACAKLAR!

Çünkü liderleriniz sizin DÜŞMANLARINIZ işgalci Türkiye'nin, İran'ın, Irak'ın ve Suriye'nin EN BÜYÜK DOST VE AHBAPLARIDIRLAR.




































Rojhilat 25.10.2022

Daha ilk günden söylediğimiz gibi; ne yazık ki kürdlerin BÜTÜN çırpınışları BOŞUBOŞUNA'dır. Çünkü KÜRD LİDERLERİ HAİNDİR.
İslamcılığın beyinlerine TECAVÜZ etmiş olduğu kürd liderleri, HAKLI KÜRD DEVLETLEŞME MÜCADELESİNDEN KORKUYORLAR, açıkça çekiniyorlar. Bu hainliğe de; ''temkinli'', ''akıllı', ''makul'' kürd siyaseti diyorlar. Hepsi bu..
-- Oysa kürd halkı işte tam bu resimde gördüğümüz gibi son derece devrmcidir ve son derece fedakardır. Kendi özgürlük davasına son derece sadık bir halktır. Tam 200 senedir hiç durmadan, hiç bıkmadan, hiç usanmadan, hiç YORULMADAN özgürlüğüne kavuşmak için direniyor. Eğer HAİN kürd liderlerden olmasaydı şimdi çoktan kurtulmuştu. Kürd liderler herzaman kürd halkının özgürlük davasını işgalci müslüman sömürgecilere SATMIŞTIR. Kürd davasına ihanet etmiştir.
İşte gözünüzün önünde herşey. NEDEN görmüyorsunuz? Fiilen bir Kürd Halk Ayaklanması var - AMA KÜRD LİDERLER NERDE?
Hangi biri Brüksel'de veya Washington'da bir basın açıklaması yaptı? Siz televizyon koltuklarında oturup tv seyredenlere lider mi diyorsunuz?
Kürd halkı hep kahramanca direndi ve hala kahramanca direniyor. İspanyollar arap işgaline karşı uzun yüzyıllar direnmişti. Sonra sırplar ve yunanlılar 300 yıldan fazla türk işgalcilere karşı direndiler. İslamo-faşist türk işgalciler, işgal ettiği halkı kendi milletine karşı çıkarmak için müslümanlık ideolojisi ile yerli ahalinin beynini yıkıyor. Örneğin türkler bir kısım sırpları sırp ulusu'ndan kopararak onlara müslümanlık yoluyla ''bosnalı'' adı verip yeni bir ulus güruhu yarattı. Şimdi aynı şeyi kürdlerin üzerinde denemek istiyor. Hedef: parçala ve yönet.










Another crime committed against Kurdish people
by the Persian Islamic regime of Iran




KÜRD DEVRİMİ ''Jin, jiyan, azadî''! yani KADIN, HAYAT ve ÖZGÜRLÜK öncü sloganıyla bütün Ortadoğu'yu sardı ve hatta bütün dünyayı SARSTI ama ne yazık ki herzaman olduğu gibi kürd devrimi yine tamamen sahipsizdir. Bu devrime öncülük eden YETKİN bir kürd liderliği yoktur. Kürd devrimi ve kürdler SAHİPSİZDİR. Sahipsiz oldukları için de bozuk para misali çok olay HARCANIYORLAR, hem kürdler ve hemde kürd devrimi çok ucuza satılıyor.















































































Shalom Khamanei!!!












Three Generations of Peshmergas, Grandma, doughter and nephew







































































Bergirî bo DEWLETA NETEWÎ - KURDİSTANA SERBIXWE û li dij hovîtiya neyarê Îranê













Şehid Qadir Kerimi

Kürd gerillası Peşmerge İşgalci İran İslam Devleti'nin işgali altındaki kürd şehirlerini kuşattığında














Salmas nêzîkî Qela-y Simko

















27 Ağustos 1979
Sivil kürdler İran devleti tarafından Sine (Sanandaj'da) kurşuna dizilirken..
Bu fotoğraf Pulitzer Ödülü almış ve dünyada büyük yankı uyandırmıştır..
Fotoğrafı 27 sene sonra kimliği açıklanan fotoğrafçı Jahangir Ramzi çekmiştir.







Pulitzer Prize Photo

In 1979, the U.S.-backed Shah of Iran was overthrown by Islamic radicals, led by Ayatollah Khomeini. Later that year, a group of 11 Kurdish men were lined up and shot to death, accused of various crimes. Their executions at a municipal airport in Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan, followed a brief trial during which no evidence was presented.

Iranian photographer Jahangir Razmi, took 70 pictures of this execution in Kurdistan on Aug. 27, 1979. One picture won the Pulitzer Prize. It was, however, awarded to an unnamed photographer - the only anonymous recipient in the 90-year history of the award. Mr. Razmi preserved 27 of the photos on a contact sheet and stowed it away in his home.

A photograph capturing this event was published and eventually won a Pulitzer Prize, but the photographer's identity was kept secret to protect him. An account Saturday in The Wall Street Journal reveals the photographer's name -- Jahangir Razmi -- and story.

Iranian Islamic Militia (Pasdaran) killing Kurds without trial, August 1979. This picture was taken by a Persian journalist, Jihangir Razmi.
But because of the fear for the Iranian Islamic regime, he didn't proclamate his name even though this picture
won a Pulitzer Prize. For security of his life he has been hold this a secret for 27 years. Source: Wall Street Journal.













Bu resmi İran'lı fotoğrafçı Jahangir Razmi çekmiş.
Tarih, 27 Ağustos 1979, Yer, Rojhelat Sine Havaalanı Civarı.
İran pasdarları 11 k ürd'ü kurşuna diziyor.

"Kürdler en büyük küfürdür."
Ayetullah Humeyni, 1979, Kum şehrinde yaptığı konuşmadan...

Kürdere karşı cihad ilan eden Humeyni'nin katil İran islam devleti binlerce masum sivil kürdü katletti.

































Kürdlere ve özellikle de müslüman olmayan yarsanî/kakeî/êzidî ve zerdüştî kürdlere yönelik işgalci- katil İran devleti tarafından 1979 yılında gerçekleştirilen sokak infazları katliamda, elleri ve gözleri bağlı
şekilde infaza götürülen Hewraman bölgesinden yarsanî bir kürd
























La Liberte 1979










Kuzey Kürdistan'daki sözde türk meclisi'ne girmiş kürd milletvekilleri ise sanki kendilerini zamkla işgalci türklere yapıştırıp yamamak istiyen hainlerdir.

Kuzey Kürdistan'daki sözde türk meclisi'ne girmiş kürd milletvekillerinin HİÇBİRİ muhlis değil.


































Doğu kürdistanlı güzel kız

Zavallı kızcağız.. yüzünden başka her tarafı kalın kumaşlarla sarılı ve örtüdüldür












Den förtryckta kurdiska kvinnan










Svensk Tidning Dagens Nyheter, 31 december 1974







Kurdiska nyheter i internationella pressen:
Tidningen Anderson Daily Intelligencer, publicerad den 10 januari 1915, publicerade en artikel om/ "Motstånd av Omar Aga och hans bror, ledarna för kurderna i Iran mot rysk ockupation"














Şervanên kurd ên berê, Rojhilat






















Shikak stammen i Östra Kurdistan, Ormia 1919











Ur det iranska dokumentet som är från 1938
Innehåller information om att ändra och förvränga namnen på de några kurdiska byana och städerna till persiska























Foundation For Kurdish Library & Museum