The City on top of The Mountains
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The ancient city of Amêdî, (Amedia), situated on top of a natural citadel. Thousands of years of history runs through this Kurdish city.
- A Kurdish city with one (1) Entrance and one Exit on the top of a mountain.



























Amedi nasıl İmadiye oldu?

Musul’un kuzey vilayetlerinde İmâdiye adıyla büyük, sağlam ve korunaklı bir kale vardır. İmâdeddin Zengi orayı tamir ettirdi.

Orası önce küdtler’in kalesiydi. Zengi’nin ismine izafeten kale İmâdiye adını aldı.”

Yakut el-Hamavî (1179-1229)

“Amedi şehri kürd prens tarafından yönetiliyor. Kürdler şehri Amedi ismiyle biliyor ‘Medlerin şehri’ anlamına geliyor. Amediye (İmadiye - Berrawiyah) ise araplar ve türkler tarafından yozlaştırılmış ismidir…”

W.F. Ainsworth 1842




























Burası dünyanın en eski şehirlerinin bulunduğu yer, örneğin Byblos, Babil, Erbil ve Jericho ...
Onlarca kürd medeniyetinin, kralliklarinin, imparatorlukların ve dinlerin geçtiği binlerce yıllık tarihi olan kürd şehirlerden biridir.
. Eskiden Batı'ya ihraç edilen ve toplumumuzun gelişmesinde anahtar olan bilgi ve ticaret merkezleri.
Amedi (veya Amadiya) Kürdistan'ki ki birçok tarihi şehirden biridir. M.Ö 3.000 yılında kurulduğu ve kuruluşunda Asur tarafından istila edildiği söyleniyor, sonradan diğer
birçok krallıklar tarafından işgal edildiği ve ezidilerin, hristiyanların ve yahudilerin özgürce ve barış İçinde yaşadığı bir yer olduğu biliniyor.
Ancak 5.000 yıllık popülerliği ile tarihi kanıtlara göre Madi (magic) en ilgili üç rahibin Beytullahim'e seyahatlerinde buradan ayrıldıklarını göstermektedir.
Bugün popüler olarak 3 bilge adam olarak biliniyorlar.
3 bilge adam evet her 6 Ocak'ta çocuklara develeriyle hediye getiren 3 adam.

En etkileyici ve ana cazibesi Bahdinan Kapısı adı verilen eski giriş, yaklaşık 14 metre yüksekliğinde ve mükemmel durumda korunan bir taş giriş.
































































AMEDİYE Duhok iline bağlı dünyanın en güzel 30 ilçesi listesinde yer alan ve deniz seviyesinin 1426 m yüksekliğine kurulan Amêdîye
13. yy'dan 19. yy'a kadar 600 sene Behdinan Kürd Emirliği'nin başkentiydi.









































































Amêdî, (Amedia, Imadiye) - A Kurdish city with one (1) Entrance and one Exit on the top of a mountain

The ancient city of Amediya, situated on top of a natural citadel. Thousands of years of history runs through this Kurdish city.












































Historical ruins in Kurdistan - The old port in Amedi (Southern Kurdistan)

Amediye Şehri

“Hükümet-i Amediye, dağlar içindedir. Kalesi taştandır.
Okumuşları çok medrese yaptırmıştır. Uleması çoktur. Ekseriyetle Kürd uluması buradan çıkmıştır.
Kerkük’te ise neft kuyuları vardır.”
Katip Çelebi 1881


















Geliyê Balindeyê
























Riya ku diçe ser Amêdiyê



















































































Newroz eve, 2018
















The Gate of Amedi City














Li ser riya Amêdiyê

















Masada & Amêdî




















































































































Amêdî, (Amedia, Imadiye) - A Kurdish city with one (1) Entrance and one Exit on the top of a moutain















































Illustrated Magazine Published by The Archaeological Society of Washington, Affiliated With The Archaeological Institute of America, Art & Archaeology Press, Inc.
On the cover: Kurdish Antiuqe City Amedi
Includes: "Archaeologist in Kurdistan"












Ghazî Ferman/ Amêdî











West Aufgang ..












Asenath Barzani was the daughter of the eminent Rabbi Shmuel B Netanel Ha-Levi of Kurdistan (born 1560– death ca 1635/1670?) and she was a renowned Kurdish Jewish woman who lived in Mosul and died in Amadiya. Her writings demonstrate her mastery of Hebrew, Torah, Talmud, Midrash, and Kabbalah.

She was considered the first female rabbi of Jewish history by some scholars; additionally, she also were the oldest recorded female Kurdish leader in history. Of other scholars, Barzani was though given the title Tanna’it, a very rare honour for a Jewish woman. The title of Tanna'it, and her role as head of a yeshiva a rabbinical school, is not equivalent to being a rabbi, and hence she is regarded as a rare example of a female Rabbinical Teacher (but not an actual rabbi which equals a judge) in pre-20th century traditional Judaism. Her father, a scholar and mystic with a large following, aimed to rectify the plight of his brethren, namely, the dearth of educated leaders. He built a yeshiva in Mosul where he hoped to train young men who would become community leaders and scholars. Since he had no sons, he trained his daughter to be a learned scholar of the highest order. In the letter she wrote:
"I never left the entrance to my house or went outside;


I was like a princess of Israel...

I grew up on the laps of scholars, anchored to my father of blessed memory.
I was never taught any work but sacred study, to uphold, as it is said:
“And you should recite it day and night (Joshua 1: 8)” (Mann I: 511).

Asenath was married to one of her father’s finest students, Rabbi Jacob Mizrahi. She described the conditions of their marriage in the continuation of the above letter:

“And he (my father) made my partner swear never to allow me to engage in work, and thus he did as he was commanded. From the start, the Rabbi (Mizrahi) was involved in his studies and did not have time to teach the students, so I would teach them in his stead, a helpmate...” Thus Rabbi Mizrahi agreed to conditions whereby Asnat would never have to spend her time on housework, because she was a Torah scholar like himself. After her father died, her husband technically became the head of the Yeshiva, but in fact it was Asenath who taught the students who had come for rabbinic training.

When her husband passed away, the leadership of the yeshiva naturally passed to his widow, and since she already had been the students’ teacher, the transition was natural and painless. Unfortunately, neither her father nor her husband had been successful fundraisers and the yeshiva was always in financial straits. Asenath wrote a number of letters requesting funds in which she described the dire situation that had befallen her and her children. Her home and belongings had been confiscated, as had their clothing and books. She was still teaching Torah, but the debts were adding up and, as a woman, she felt it was inappropriate for her to travel in search of financial support. In letters addressed to her, one can see the respect and admiration of fellow rabbis from far and near.

Few of her writings are extant, but one can perceive in them her complete mastery of Torah, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah and Hebrew, for her letters are lyrical as well as erudite. A recently discovered manuscript provides additional insight into her life. She successfully ran a yeshiva which continued to produce serious scholars, including her son, whom she sent to Baghdad upon request, where he continued the dynasty of rabbinic scholars.

In addition, there are numerous stories about her, most of which have been found in amulets, which allude to her supernatural powers which should though be taken in the pinch of salt.

My own words: Working about Asenath Barzani was very interesting and I gained much information I hardly even knew about the once a very strong Kurdish-Jewish community in today's Kurdistan, thanks to a long phone conversation I had with Rabbi Isak and everybody in the Swedish group "Rörelse mot antisemitism" who helped me with any information, they could get. Also there were hardly any referense of how she looked like, so I kind of took a liberation giving her the most modest outfit I could, though Kurdish women historically and culturally never hidden their faces regardsless of religions. But if I one day find any trace of referense, I will definitely re-draw it again, if I had to! 

Sadly though the yevisha/synagouge no longer exist neither in Mosul nor in Amadiya, not even the trace of ruins, so in the picture, I used reference from the once giant powerful fortress in Amadiya, where Asenath died in arround 1635 or 1670, exact what date she died remains a mystery. 




Kürd Asenath Barzani,

Tarihdeki ilk kadın Hahamdır. 1590-1670 yılları
arasında yaşayan Asenath Barzani, Tevrat, Telmud, Kabala ve Mişna hakkında derin bilgilere sahip bilge bir kadındı.

Yahudi Kürdler, Hezbani aşiretine bağlıydı.
(Adiabene Krallığı)

Gora Asenat Barzanî
















Selîmê Kurdî Mîrê Amediyê 1843

A romantic Kurdısh man from the antique era

Selîm Kurdish Pascha of Amedia













“Musul’un kuzey vilayetlerinde İmâdiye adıyla büyük, sağlam ve korunaklı bir kale vardır. İmâdeddin Zengi orayı tamir ettirdi.

Orası önce Kürdler’in kalesiydi. Zengi’nin ismine izafeten kale İmâdiye adını aldı.”

Yakut el-Hamavî (1179-1229) Mûcem’ül-Büldan










Amediye Gravürü 1896

Amediye bir dönem kürdlerin eğitim almak için gittikleri tarihi bir Kürd Şehirdir.

Seyyah ve tarihçiler Amediye için “Sağlam bir Kürd Kalesi” derler. Zengiler bir dönem burada egemen oldular. Kürd Eyyubiler bu egemenliğe son verdiler…


Selçuklu Atabeyleri, I. İmadeddin Zengi komutasında Kürd topraklarını istila ettiler.
Bitlis, Akre, Aşut, Cezire kalelerini tahrip ettiler. I.İmadeddin Zengi kendi adını Amedi şehrine verdi.
Selçuklu Atabeyleri, Mısırlı Kürd Eyyubilere karşı savaşa girdi.
Bu savaş sonrası Kürd Hükümdarı Selahaddin Eyyubi'ye yenildiler.
Yenilgi sonrası Kurdistan'da güçleri azaldı ve dağıldılar.
Kürdler tekrar ülke topraklarına egemen oldular.

Kaynak: Şerefname









Foundation For Kurdish Library & Museum